Water and Wastewater Rate Study and Long Range Financial Plan

BMA Management Consulting Inc. (BMA) was retained by the Town of Gananoque to develop a long range financial plan and to undertake a review of the Town’s water/wastewater rate structure.

The project included two key components:

Long-Range Financial Plan (LRFP)

The objectives of the long range financial plan were to ensure that:

  • There are sufficient reserves available for funding shortfalls, financial emergencies and  capital requirements;
  • There is sufficient financial flexibility within the plan;
  • The Town is covering the full cost of its operation and not postponing costs to a future period;
  • The rates remain affordable; and
  • The Town is operating in accordance with Ontario Regulation 453/07 Financial Plans

Rate Study

Despite industry trends in rate schedules, as stated by the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), there is, and always will be, a lot of variation in water and wastewater rate

setting practices given that there is no single rate setting approach or rate structure. The Rate Study considered various rate setting options based on the goals and objectives of the Town. The approach was to consider the pros and cons of each potential rate option in relation to the goals and objectives. This section also included an impact analysis to help understand the impact of various rate decisions on different customers (e.g. residential low consumption, high volume residential, mid-large commercial and industrial properties, etc.)  Click below to review the entire Rate study [PDF].