Cataraqui Conservation Seeking Input on Watershed and Lands Strategies

General Notices

You are invited to complete and share the links to Cataraqui Conservation surveys on draft versions of our new Watershed-based Resource Management Strategy and Conservation Area Strategy to help us learn more about the values and priorities of our watershed residents and property visitors.

These strategies have been drafted to comply with the provincial government’s 2021 legislation (Ontario Regulation 686/21: Mandatory Programs and Services) which mandates the creation of both the Watershed-based Resource Management Strategy (WRMS) and Conservation Area Strategy. The legislation requires both these Strategies to be completed by December 31, 2024.

Consultation is open until August 7, 2024.

Watershed-based Resource Management Strategy (WRMS):

Crafted through science-based data and evidence, the purpose of the Watershed-based Resource Management Strategy (WRMS) is to assist conservation authorities with improving programs and services to help address and manage possible risks. Risks can include the underlying issues or ‘triggers’ that may lead to damage to persons or property, from natural hazards, such as flooding.

Additionally, through this process Cataraqui Conservation will be able to focus on other aspects of our mandate related to non-mandatory programs and services and set priorities with our municipal partners for more effective and efficient delivery.

Complete the Watershed-based Resource Management Strategy (WRMS) survey by August 7, 2024

Conservation Areas Strategy:

Cataraqui Conservation is a major landowner within the watershed, with 245 individual parcels totaling more than 4,700 hectares (11,600 acres) of land. These lands are locally, provincially, and in some cases, deemed to be internationally significant. Cataraqui Conservation properties include features such as forests, grassland, wetlands, watercourses, karst (irregular limestone region with sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns) and lake/river shorelines.

The purpose of the Conservation Area Strategy is to broadly outline priorities for conservation lands and provide an opportunity for the community to tell us what they think about our conservation areas and what is important to them.  Part of the new document will see the creation of comprehensive Conservation Area Management Guidelines and updating/enhancing the current property Acquisition and Disposition Guidelines. These will all be posted for public comment as they are brought to the draft stage.

Complete the Conservation Areas survey by August 7, 2024