Town Departments

The CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) is responsible for the leadership and general management of the Corporation. This includes the development and execution of the business plan, allocation of resources, maintaining service levels, recommending policy and providing long-range strategic planning guidance. The CAO coordinates and provides direction to the Department Heads in developing, implementing, and administering the objectives and policies as approved by Council in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
As the most senior employee of the Town, the CAO reports to Council and acts as their key advisor.
Reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer, the primary role of the Clerk is driven by Provincial legislation, most notably the Municipal Act, the Municipal Elections Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), Accessibility of Ontario Disabilities Act and Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
The Clerk provides administrative support to Council and its Committees and ensures that all of the actions taken by Council are recorded and communicated. Some of the functions performed by the Clerk are:
The Economic Development Office is a municipal function and works to develop a creative, dynamic and competitive business environment that fosters economic growth. We are committed to lead and mobilize the community, local agencies, organizations and businesses to develop and implement strategies that will assist in strengthening the local economy. For more information visit Invest in Gananoque.
The Finance or Treasury Department advises the CAO, Town Council, and Department Managers on the status of the Town's finances and actions required to meet the Town's financial obligations and objectives. Learn more. The Treasury Department is responsible for all water, sewer, and property tax billing and collection procedures as set out in the Town's respective policies and procedures.
The Gananoque Fire Department is committed to protecting lives and property. Contact Information for the Fire Department.
Human Resources is responsible for labour relations, recruitment, succession planning and the development of programs, policies and procedures. Learn more and see Employment Opportunities.
The Parks and Recreation team is committed to a safe environment for recreation, excellence in providing quality recreational activities, commitment to public relations and service, sustainable facilities and programs to ensure the continuity of your family`s healthy lifestyle. Learn more about we have to offer.
The Planning and Development department includes Building, By-Law Enforcement, Town Properties and Planning. It provides building and planning related services to Council, other departments and the general public, enforcement of regulatory By-Laws and promotes the Town of Gananoque. Learn more about Planning and Development.
Serving our community since 1890. The Gananoque Police Service offers many pro-active crime prevention and safety programs to Town of Gananoque residents including Crime Stoppers and R.I.D.E. spot checks. Contact Information for the Police Department.
The Utilities Division is responsible for improvement projects, water production, distribution, backflow protection, water quality monitoring, water conservation, customer service, meter installation and replacement, meter reading, wastewater collection system maintenance and repair, and environmental compliance. These activities play a vital role in ensuring that our residents’ and businesses’ water needs are met. Working together, the division is able to provide affordable, high-quality drinking water that meets all mandatory requirements. Visit Utilities and Billing for more information.
The Works Department is responsible for capital improvement projects, snow plowing and removal, street lighting, storm sewers and drainage, tree maintenance and planting, solid waste and recycling, road repairs, encroachment approvals, sidewalk repair and maintenance, traffic signal operations and bridge maintenance and operations. The Works Department ensures the roads are safe for the public while maintaining compliance with Ministry standards. Visit our Public Works - Roads and Utilities section for more information.