Circular Materials Recycling

Circular Materials manages the packaging and paper extended producer responsibility program in Ontario.

Visit for detailed information about the program happening in Ontario.

The regulation for this program makes producers resident in Canada that supply packaging and paper to Ontario consumers fully financially and operationally responsible for their products and packaging at the end of life.

In July 2023 communities across Ontario began transitioning to the new framework, which will be fully implemented by 2026.

The Town of Gananoque transitions March 31, 2025.

What does this mean? 

  • The Town will no longer have the responsibility of managing the blue box recycling program
  • The program will be managed by Circular Materials Ontario with the producers becoming fully financially and operationally responsible
  • A contractor will collect the blue box recycling material at the curb as they do presently
  • You will see a different contractor collecting your blue box recycling next year as the Town transitions
  • Materials collected remain the same during transition (March 2025 to December 2026)
  • Nothing changes for garbage, as this new program includes blue box recycling only

Circular Materials Guide