Waste and Recycling

Waste & Recycling Collection Calendar

Blue Box Recycling – Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Coming Soon to Gananoque

Transition to an enhanced blue box program is coming to Ontario, which will deliver a convenient, consistent and effective recycling system that will improve recycling rates.

This transition is managed by Circular Materials – the administrator of the common collection system and a not-for-profit organization committed to building efficient and effective recycling systems in Ontario.

The Town of Gananoque transitions to EPR on March 31, 2025. Learn more: www.circularmaterials.ca/ON  


Town Launches New Digital Calendar for Curbside Collection

The Town of Gananoque provides an effective garbage and recycling program which continues to succeed and be a great service to our residents. The Town’s goal is to continue to increase our waste diversion rate by encouraging the 3Rs: reduce, reuse & recycle, as well as composting, repurposing, sharing and donating.

The Town provides weekly residential garbage collection for all households in Gananoque. This weekly program works in conjunction with our weekly residential recycling collection. These weekly curbside services are conducted by a contractor using a multi-year contract. Presently Waste Connections of Canada is our contractor, with an extended contract to March 2023. 

Collection schedules are updated annually and are user friendly for printing for easy reference throughout the year.

The Town offers a ‘pay as you throw’ system for residential garbage, so you pay only for the materials you generate that cannot be recycled. 

Recycling material can be disposed of at no cost. The Town operates a dual stream recycling program – one week is fibres collection (paper and cardboard) while the alternate week is containers (plastics, metal/aluminum & glass (bottles & jars only)). 

The Town no longer operates a landfill, therefore large items that are not collected at the curb, along with business and contractor garbage must be transported out of Town to other contractors for disposal, such as ones in Kingston & Brockville. 

The Town of Gananoque is proud of their recycling program, as it includes blue box materials, scrap metal, electronics and white bulk styrofoam. Research is ongoing for additional diversion programs. 

For curbside garbage collection residents are reminded:

  • that all garbage must be in a bag;
  • a weight limit of 40lbs is in effect;
  • there is a weekly bag limit of 4 bags of garbage per week for each household 
  • each garbage bag set out for collection must have a bag tag affixed to it 
  • tags can be purchased at several local businesses and at Town Hall;
  • no large items are collected at the curb;
  • garbage collection is for regular household waste generated on a daily basis
  • bags must be at the curb no later than 7:00am on your day of collection 
  • to continue to recycle all items possible; 
  • hazardous waste cannot be disposed of at the curb. 

For curbside blue box recycling collection residents are reminded:

  • only items accepted in the program will be collected;
  • recycling must be at the curb no later than 7:00am on your day of collection;
  • there are alternate weeks for fibres and containers;
  • items can be placed in a blue box or clear/clear blue bag (bag must be tied); 
  • fibres – cardboard, paper, magazines, etc can be co-mingled in one box/bag
  • containers – aluminum, plastic, glass (bottles and jars only) can be co-mingled in one box/bag
  • to clean all recycling material – we are recycling the container not the product

For more information regarding our curbside collection program and waste and recycling in general, please contact the Public Works Office by email at pwinfo@gananoque.ca or call 613-382-2149 Ext 1613.