A municipal government gets its power to pass laws through a law of the national or regional government, which specifies what the town or city may regulate through By-Laws.
A municipal By-Law is no different from any other law of the land, and can be enforced with penalties, challenged in court and must comply with other laws of the land. Municipal By-Laws are often enforceable through the public justice system, and offenders can be charged for breach of a By-Law. Common By-Laws include vehicle parking and stopping regulations, animal control, building and construction, licensing, noise, zoning.
To ensure that the Town's by-laws are meeting the demands of the Community, the Town Council, from time to time, deems it expedient to amend certain by-laws. To ensure that you are viewing the most recent information it is recommend that a search be made via the "By Keywords" feature. For example if searching for all parking By-Laws, the key word search would be "Parking".