Spring collection date: April 14 to April 25, 2025
Fall collection date: TO BE ANNOUNCED
New User Pay System - Leaf and Yard Waste Curbside Collection
To achieve cost efficiency and improve effectiveness of the residential leaf and yard waste collection program, the service timeline has been targeted to two weeks of collection for each of the 2 seasons (Spring and Fall) and has transitioned to a user-pay system. Users who wish to avoid the cost of this service may take their properly bagged yard waste to the Public Works Yard free of charge during operating hours. Those users who prefer the convenience of curbside collection will purchase Town garbage bag tags that will be securely attached to each bag of leaves or yard waste that they wish to have picked up by Town Staff.
Set Out Guidelines: Leaf and Yard Waste Curbside Collection Service
- must be bagged, in paper bags (plastic bags are not accepted)
- must have a valid Town garbage tag attached to each bag ($2.50 each)
- Bag tags can be purchased at Town Hall, White’s Grocery, Metro and Home Hardware at $2.50 each
- must be placed neatly at the curb during the dates listed above
- bags heavier than 40lbs will not be collected
- must be visible and accessible
- must NOT impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic
- may be placed at the curb the weekend leading up to collection date, but not prior, as per By-Law 2011-61
- Leaf bags will NOT be collected outside of the curbside collection dates
Please note that the Public Works Yard is open April 15 to November 30, Wednesdays and Saturdays 8am-12noon for residents to dispose of their bagged leaf materials free of charge. Loose leaf/yard waste is accepted for a fee of $40.00 per ½ ton truckload.
Brush Curbside Collection Service – free of charge
This free collection program will take place this year for two (2) weeks in the spring and two (2) weeks in the fall.
Set Out Guidelines:
- must be piled neatly at the curb for chipping
- should be piled with all ends laying in one direction (easy for handling & chipping)
- no length limit – can be left as whole branches
- diameter limit – cannot be larger than 10 inches in diameter
- tree stumps are not collected
- do not tie – no wire, string or rope
- may be placed at the curb the weekend leading up to collection date, but not prior, as per By-Law 2011-61
For more information send an email to pwinfo@gananoque.ca or give your Public Works Department a call at 613-382-2149 Ext. 1613.