Greenwood Medical Centre is Rostering Gananoque Residents as of February 5th

Town News

A message from Mayor John Beddows.

Greenwood Medical Centre Is Rostering Gananoque Residents as of February 5th.

Good evening all,

See below for announcement from Greenwood Medical Centre about expansion of its area to include Gananoque and for the link to use to enrol.  

To use the Rapid Enrolment process, please follow the steps on the Enrolment page of the Medical Centre's site at link below, which include filling out a roster form, sending photos of proof of address, and completing the intake form.  

John Beddows 
Mayor of Gananoque 

"Greenwood Medical Centre, a partner in the Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT), is pleased to announce that by March 31, 2025, Greenwood will have rostered all eligible individuals who reside in Kingston’s east end, are registered with Health Care Connect and do not currently have a primary care provider. We plan to expand our area accordingly over the next 6 months with a focus on the eastern part of the OHT.

As of February 5th, we are expanding our region to include unattached patients living the the FLA OHT East End Health Home area, which spans from the Cataraqui Waterway east to Gananoque as shown below.

Greenwood Medical Centre, a partner in the Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Ontario Health Team (FLA OHT), is pleased to announce that by March 31, 2025, Greenwood will have rostered all eligible individuals who reside in Kingston’s east end, are registered with Health Care Connect and do not currently have a primary care provider. We plan to expand our area accordingly over the next 6 months with a focus on the eastern part of the OHT.

Please use this link to enrol: is external);

The link will be only be open 9-5pm, Monday to Friday and will be deactivated once capacity is reached."