Town of Gananoque News for Council February 4, 2025

Town News

Council presented Gretchen Huntley, Town of Gananoque Poet Laureate, a certificate of recognition and flowers to celebrate her receipt of the King Charles III Coronation Medal. Congratulations Gretchen!

A Public Meeting was held for a Proposed Class III Development Permit (DP2025-01) at 815 King Street East for the expansion of Town’s East End Pumping Station. Council passed a motion of support, with conditions.

Caroline Yung and Michael Roney, representatives for Save Our Train Bridge Group, appeared before Council and presented a PowerPoint presentation and petitions. A motion was passed to receive the presentation and petitions for information.

Joel Malcolm and Samuel Myers, representatives for Gananoque Coin Laundry, appeared before Council to request a review of Gananoque Coin Laundry Utility Billing to make an exception and reduce the water fixed capital charge at 88 Charles Street North.

Clerk Penny Kelly conducted the process to receive Expression of Interests from Council members interested in sitting on the Finance Working Group for a one (1) year term. Council approved an amending By-law to remove Councillor Colin Brown and Councillor Patrick Kirkby from the Finance Working Group and Replace with Councillor Anne-Marie Koiner and Councillor Osmond.

Motions were passed directing staff to seek out and proceed with planting plans for existing gardens to include pollinator friendly native species and to bring back a report with recommendations to amend the Grass Maintenance Quality Standards Policy.

Council directed staff to release $5,000, plus the Town’s share of HST, from the Susan Push Reserve Susan Push Committee reserve for the preparation of a concept design for the Susan Push Train Parkette.

A By-law was passed to authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign an agreement for healthcare recruitment between the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville (UCLG), City of Brockville, and the Town of Prescott to establish the cost sharing arrangement in support of the work being undertaken to be supported by Health Workforce Innovations Inc., for Physician Recruitment.

A motion was passed to direct staff to bring back a Council Report that provides an overview of the Water Street Swing Bridge structure and road accesses with an emphasis on reducing maintenance costs and mitigating structural damage, and to include permissible traffic weight and speed limit.

Council passed a motion directing staff to request that MPAC provide costing of last two reports (2023 & 2024).

Council approved the establishment of a Transportation Informal Working Group with a one (1) year mandate to develop recommendations for actions, programs, policies or projects the town can undertake to assist in meeting the community’s needs. The Working Group will consist of Mayor John Beddows and Councillor Anne-Marie Koiner. The Clerk was authorized to publish a call for applications for community members for a one (1) year term.

Next Council Meeting
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Council and Committee Meetings will take
place in person and virtually.

Town News - 04February2025(link is external)