- A Public Meeting was held for a Proposed Class III Development Permit (DP2025-02) at 641 King Street East regarding a Change of Use to Renovate the Interior of the Building for a Convenience Store and Restaurant with Take-Out Window Only. Council passed a motion of no objection.
- A Public Meeting was held regarding amendments to the Development Permit By-law (DP2025-05) to include Additional Residential Units (ARUs). The amending By-law was read a 1st and 2nd time and will be considered a 3rd time at a future meeting of Council.
- Council reconsidered the provision of the University of Kingston Hospitals Foundation
- (UKHF) in the amount of funding of $75,000 to the University of Kingston Hospitals Foundation (UKHF). Subsequently, Council passed a motion to advise UKHF that Council is unable to provide funding of $75,000. A Community Grant in the amount of $5,000 was approved.
- The Town 2025 Operating and Ten (10) Year Capital Plan Budgets (2025-2034) passed its third (3rd) reading unanimously.
- A new General Fees and Rates By-law No. 2025-015 was passed. This By-law shall come into full force and effect on April 1, 2025. A further By-law was passed to repeal the current Fees and Rates By-law No. 2016-047, effective April 1, 2025.
- The 2025 Water and Wastewater Rates, Capital and Operating Budgets By-law was adopted.
- The Business Improvement Area (BIA) 2025 Operating and Capital Budget By-law was adopted.
- The Mayor and Clerk are authorized to sign an agreement with LaSalle Electric to complete the renovation and improvements for electrical infrastructure for the 300 and 500 series of docks and complete the electrical work to tie in the new electrical transformer supplied by Eastern Ontario Power to the Marina Electrical Infrastructure feeding the main building and the docks.
- A By-law was passed to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) with His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario as represented by the Solicitor General regarding a funding grant in the amount of $8,240.35, towards the purchase of a bunker gear dryer.
- Council authorized a draw of $3,620 from the Fire Reserve towards the cost of the bunker gear dryer.
- Council approved a street name change from “Conner Drive” to “Jean Drive” effective October 1, 2025. The Traffic and Parking By-law shall be amended to reflect this change.
- A By-law was passed to allow the Mayor and Clerk to sign an agreement with Circular Materials Ontario (CMO) enabling them to handle the logistics of recycling the bulk Styrofoam material received by the Town of Gananoque.
- Mayor Beddows moved a Motion to Review the Town’s Strategic Plan and directed Staff to bring forward a plan of work for Council’s consideration.
- Council passed a motion to support the B'Nai Brith National Organization of Canada – Protecting Canadian Values Ban the Nazi Swastika in Canada, and directed the Mayor to send correspondence.
- Councillor Kirkby moved a Motion directing Staff to bring back a report no later than May 2025, regarding the reduction of the Council Composition from seven (7) to five (5) members of Council.
- Councillor Osmond was appointed as an alternate member to the Police Services Board (PSB) for the remaining term of Council.
Next Council Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Council and Committee Meetings will take
place in person and virtually.