Backyard Tree Planting Program

The Town of Gananoque is committed to preserving our environment for future generations and to improve the urban canopy.

To receive a discounted tree, residents of the Town of Gananoque must present proof of residency (Tax or Water Bill) at purchase.

Tree Selection and Purchase can be made at Town Hall (cheque or debit only) or online with payments being made to

Provide proof of residency and receipt at tree pickup. Pick up site will be at the Public Works Garage at 665 Charles Street North on 
Saturday, May 28th from 8am-12pm.

Tree Species available: 
Red Maple, White Oak, Colorado Blue Spruce, White Pine, Flowering Crab Apple (pink).

  • Contact Lynsey or 613-382-2149 ext 1115 for program information.
  • Check Town of Gananoque Social Media for Program updates!

Plant a tree or two in Peter Murray’s memory

Tree Planting Guide

Coming soon!