Boulevard Tree Planting Program

Growing Gananoque’s Tree Canopy

Boulevard Tree Planting Program

This Program is an annual program where trees are planted each fall on municipal property to continue to establish a healthy tree canopy, revitalize the tree population and continue to help the environment in and around Gananoque. Trees are planted in the municipal land between roadways and private property, known as the boulevard.

Boulevard Planting
The Town owns a portion of land between the travelled portion of the roadways and private property known as the road allowance or boulevard. The Town plants and maintains trees on this land. A property owner can submit a tree planting request for the Town road allowance in front of their home or business.

The following criteria will be used to assess potential planting sites:

  • Is there enough space? (other trees or obstacles must be a minimum of 7m away)
  • Are there overhead or underground utilities?
  • Does the soil quality appear to be acceptable for tree growth?
  • Are there any conflicting uses on the planting site?
  • Has the request been made by the homeowner? (i.e., the person who pays taxes on the property)
  • Is there an obvious conflict with traffic safety requirements or Town maintenance (i.e., sightlines or snow removal operations)

Boulevard trees face difficult growing conditions. Help care for this tree by watering it for the first year(s) until the tree becomes established.

Replacement Tree Planting
Replacement trees will be offset from the stump of the original tree for (new) tree health purposes. The planting location may be altered at the time of planting due to roots, utilities, or other underground obstacles.

How do residents request a tree be planted in the boulevard?

Submit a Request
A property owner may submit a planting request for the Boulevard Tree Planting Program no later than August 31st each year. A request must include property owner name, address, location and species preference. Please send your request to:

Contact the Public Works Office at 613-382-2149 ext. 1613 for further details.

  • Step 1: Submit a request by August 31st
  • Step 2: Locates are completed by the Town
  • Step 3: Decision made on the location
  • Step 4: Trees are ordered
  • Step 5: Spading of hole for a tree
  • Step 6: Tree planting
  • Step 7: Site cleanup
  • Step 8: Tree watering and maintenance

This program is funded by the Town of Gananoque, at no cost to property owners.

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