2021 Fall Brush and Leaf and Yard Waste Curbside Collection

Public Notices

Brush Collection

This fall, Public Works staff will be collecting brush placed at the curb between October 25th and October 29th. Please ensure that pieces of brush are placed at the curb by 7:00 A.M. on October 25th. Brush placed within the municipal road allowance after Friday October 29th will be subject to By-law enforcement. Brush must be less than six feet in length and no larger than four inches in diameter. 

Leaves and Yard Waste Collection

For us to provide an equal cost effective and efficient service to all Town Residents, we ask that you place leaves and yard waste at the edge of the street or alley NO LATER THAN 7:00 A.M. on the DATE BELOW for each ward. Leaves and yard waste are not to be placed at the edge of the street or alley until the days specified for each ward.

  • West Ward (All West of the King Street Bridge) – November 1st to November 5th 
  • South Ward (All South of King Street & East of the King Street Bridge) – November 8th to November 12th
  • North Ward (All North of King Street & East of the King Street Bridge) – November 15th to November 19th
  • Biodegradable paper bags must be used. Plastic bags, loose leaves and loose yard waste will not be picked up.

In order to maintain the efficiency of the above schedule, each street and alley will be picked up ONLY ONCE during the above mentioned schedule. Materials that are put out after this time will be subject to By-law enforcement. 

The Public Works yard will be open for brush, leaves and yard waste drop off on Wednesday and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the James A. Brennan Road entrance until Wednesday December 1st, 2021, at which time it will close for the winter season.